● 个人简介
研究围绕着深海油气资源开发与利用,天然气水合物开采理论与技术研究、天然气水合物技术的利用(储能与固碳),油藏渗流理论及应用、多孔介质传质及传热、非常规油气资源开发等。已发表学术论文10余篇,以第一作者在《Fuel》、《SPE Journal》、《Gas Science and Engineering》等国际期刊发表论文5篇,其中石油行业TOP文章2篇,参与多个国家自然科学基金,国家重点研发和加拿大国家自然科学基金项目。
● 研究方向
● 科研项目与课题
1. 永利集团,永利集团E类高层次人才启动基金,天然气水合物出砂及储层稳定性研究,2024/01至2029/01,30万元,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 42076217, 南海神狐海域水合物储层的蠕变特征与主控因素研究, 2021-01至 2024-12, 58万元, 参与
3. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC),Collaborative Research Development Grant (CRD),Enhance Heavy Oil Recovery Processes,2021至2025, 88.7万加币,参与
4. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), Dynamic Fracture Characterization and Integrated Optimization of Enhanced Oil Recovery Performance in Tight Formations under Uncertainty,2019至2024,3.9万加币,参与
5. 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 51274227, 天然气水合物藏注热开采可行性研究, 2013-01至 2016-12, 80万元, 参与
● 论文与专著
1. Jin, Y., Wu, N., Li, Y., and Yang, D. (2022). Characterization of sand production for clayey-silt sediments conditioned to hydraulic slotting and gravel packing: Experimental observations, theoretical formulations, and modeling. SPE Journal, SPE-209826-PA.
2. Jin, Y., Yang, D., Li, Y., and Wu, N. (2022). Integrated characterization of sand production for clayey-silt hydrate formations by coupling geomechanics and pressure gradient-based sand failure criteria. Paper SPE-210261-MS, presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, 3-5 October.
3. Jin, Y., Li, Y., Wu, N., and Yang, D. (2021). Characterization of sand production for clayey-silt sediments conditioned to openhole gravel-packing: Experimental observations. SPE Journal, 26(6), 3591-3608.
4. Jin, Y., Li, S., and Yang, D. (2020). Experimental and theoretical quantification of the relationship between electrical resistivity and hydrate saturation in porous media. Fuel, 269, 117378.
5. Jin, Y., Yang, D., Li, S., and Pang, W. (2019). Hydrate dissociation conditioned to depressurization below the quadruple point and salinity addition. Fuel, 255, 115758.
6. Jin, Y., Li, S., Yang, D., and Jiang, X. (2018). Determination of dissociation front and operational optimization for hydrate development by combining depressurization and hot brine stimulation. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 50, 215-230.
7. Zhang, Y., Jin, Y., and Yang, D. (2022). Semi-analytical modeling of transient pressure behaviour for a multifractured horizontal well in a gas reservoir with a complex fracture network by considering effects of slippage, stress-sensitivity, and gas adsorption/desorption. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 110504.
8. Li, Y., He, C., Wu, N., Chen, Q., Liu, C., Sun, Z., Jin, Y., and Meng, Q. (2021). Laboratory study on hydrate production using a slow, multistage depressurization strategy. Geofluids, 2021, 4352910.
9. Li, Y., Liu, L., Jin, Y., and Wu, N. (2021). Characterization and development of marine natural gas hydrate reservoirs in clayey-silt sediments: A review and discussion. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 5(1), 75-86.
10. Li, Y., Wu, N., Gao, D., Chen, Q., Liu, C., Yang, D., Jin, Y., Ning, F., Tan, M., and Hu, G. (2021). Optimization and analysis of gravel packing parameters in horizontal wells for natural gas hydrate production. Energy, 219, 119585.
11. Wu, N., Li, Y., Chen, Q., Liu, C., Jin, Y., Tan, M., Dong, L., and Hu, G. (2021). Sand production management during marine natural gas hydrate exploitation: Review and an innovative solution. Energy & Fuels, 35(6), 4617-4632.
12. Li, S., Li, J., and Jin, Y. (2014). Depressurizing dissociation of natural gas hydrate with different saturation. CIESC Journal, 65(4), 1411-1415.
● 科研奖励
1. 国家优秀自费留学奖学金,中国国家留学基金管理委员会,2021年
2. 2016-2021,里贾纳大学博士研究生奖学金,里贾纳大学,2016-2021
3. 里贾纳大学助教奖学金,里贾纳大学,2017年