● 个人简介
● 研究方向
● 科研项目与课题
1.海南省科学技术厅,海南省自然科学基金青年项目,52161041,“三维岛礁地形波浪传播特性的数值模拟研究”, 2022-04至2025-03, 6万元,项目,主持。
2. 三亚市科技工业信息化局,三亚市科技创新专项项目,2022KJCX65,“深海电动直线执行器研制”, 2023-07至2025-12, 8万元,课题,主持。
3. 海南省科学技术厅,海南省自然科学基金创新研究团队项目,522CXTD510,“滨海高水压隧道高性能支护结构研究”, 2022-04至2025-03, 35万元,项目,参与。
● 论文与专著
[1] Jia Wei; Liu Shuxue; Li Jinxuan; Fan Yuping; A three-dimensional numerical model with an L-type wave-maker system for water wave simulations by the moving boundary method, Water(Switzerland), 2020.01. (SCI,IF=2.709,JCR Q2)
[2] Xu Jiayi; Liu Shuxue; Li Jinxuan; Jia Wei; Experimental study of wave height, crest, and trough distributions of directional irregular waves on a slope, Ocean Engineering, 2021.12. (SCI,IF=3.302,JCR Q1)
[3] Luo Li; Liu Shuxue; Li Jinxuan; Jia Wei; Deterministic reconstruction and reproduction of multi-directional irregular waves based on linear summation model, Ocean Engineering, 2020.02. (SCI,IF=3.302,JCR Q1)
[4] Xu Jiayi; Liu Shuxue; Li Jinxuan; Jia Wei; Experimental study of breaker index of normal and oblique incident unidirectional and multidirectional irregular waves on slope, Ocean Engineering, 2020.10. (SCI,IF=3.302,JCR Q1)
[5] Luo Li; Liu Shuxue; Li Jinxuan; Jia Wei; Numerical simulation of oblique and multidirectional wave propagation and breaking on steep slope based on FEM model of Boussinesq equations, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2019.07. (SCI,IF=3.37,JCR Q1)